Blog The Week #3
Main Targets Set
Finish up any remaining research posts and start editing my rough edit FMP.
Finish editing rough edit FMP by the end of the day.
Start creating a storyboard for my FMP which covers the whole video, based off my rough edit.
Review Of Previous Work
I have recently finished one of my last research posts which is a survey I made using Google surveys. I wanted to find out what my peers thought about the topics I was covering in my FMP so I used this survey to ask them. I thought a survey would be the best way to do this as some of the questions would be very personal and this way all responses would be anonymous. In total I received 21 responses. I hoped there would be more but I think that because the questions are quite personal many people didn't feel comfortable sharing there thoughts, however, at the time my peers were also trying to complete work so they might just have been too busy. I think the survey is really interesting to read but there isn't really a way to fit it into my final piece.
Overall I think the survey was beneficial to my research and further my understanding of my chosen topics but doesn't directly impact my final piece.
I have also completed a practice makeup application and a rough edit FMP. The practice makeup application went well apart from when I was applying the false eyelashes. This is probably the thing I struggle with the most when applying the makeup so I just need to keep practice applying them on myself and other people. This means that I wouldn't need to cut out lots of footage in my FMP.
My rough edit FMP turned out okay, there are lots of shots, angles and edits that I want to change for my final piece but I think this works really well as a sort of guide line for when I make my FMP. It was a bit difficult during the filming of it as I had to apply the makeup in a way so the camera could see what was happening, this was really annoying as I had to compromise on what was more important - the makeup or the shot. I managed to reach a middle ground with most of the shots but in my final piece I'm going to make sure that I can do the makeup well and get a nice shot.