The Start - Filmic Journey
Shot Ideas So Far
1. Something I care about
My pets
Close up shot of cat/dogs
2. Pull (focus) shift- foreground/ background
Simple shot of ornaments
3. Everyday observation
Me deciding what to do
Simple shot of paper with title "Ideas" + tapping pen
4. Unfair perception/ stereotype
Women weaker than men
Opening a jar
5. Important moment in my life
First time I heard P!ATD
Shot of computer and typing
6. Something ‘topical’ in current world news
First Royal family member to come out as gay
7. Influenced by another filmmaker
Henry Selick – director of Coraline
Stop motion - opening a door + photoshop open door
8. Cause...
Getting paid
9. ...and effect.
Walking out of shop and holding some change
10. A brilliant final shot
Footage of long walk – sped up, possibly slowed at end